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Wednesday, October 14, 2009

My first English poem...

why do i miss u?

why am i the same?
why do i miss u?
why do i feel the same for u?

still waiting 4 u..
still feeling the same..
at the same place where u left me...
not complete without u...
want u in my life...

i see u
in evry person whom i met..
in every flower i smell...
in every moment i spent...
in every song i listen...
in every painting i imagine...

what should i do?
how should i get diverted?
even if i don't want to...
how should i get engaged?
even if i don't want to....

still the same questions...
why do i love u?
why do i miss u?
why do i care for u?

please come back...
how should i tell u...
i want u..
i need u...
please come back...


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